St. Jude's Academy Dramatic Achievements and Experiences

Parents, please be sure to read the side bar as it will contain important information about costumes, props, and theatre etiquiette.

There are also age appropriate poems that you could ask your child to learn to say aloud. This helps with reading fluency, memory enhancement, elocution, and comprehension.


October 6th, - Twelfth Night performance in Stratford, Ontario (long, but worth it - the entire production was musical, upbeat, brilliantly performed, and had twists from all eras and epochs)

November 10th, - Remembrance Day skit: In Flander's Fields performed and directed by the Grade 6, 7, and 8 class.


December 15th, - The Christmas Concert: Songs that moved the world

End of January, 2012 - Twelfth Night

February 2012 - SJA Gala Dinner and "show"

March/April 2012 - Speeches and Poetry Recitation

June 2012 - Arts Night

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Classes for Monday, October 17th and Wednesday, October 19th

Greetings and Salutations!
Roles for Twelfth Night have been CAST!
Audition results will be posted below!

But I begin with Grade 3's
We are rehearsing our dance for the Christmas concert..........learning positions, formations, trying to find form, energy, and function.

But we have also squeezed in some understanding about the theatre: The children were taken backstage to the large auditiorium. They then experienced an exercise about respect, reflection, understanding, communicating, for the actor(s) on stage. Everyone took turns as an audience member in a prime locations, and backstage. Hopefully they now understand why it's important to a) be silent and b) wait................A LOT................... in the theatre.

Also, formations are different on differently sized stages......everyone must a) remember where they stand, and b) remember how far apart to be, and c) that this distance changes if the size of stage changes.

HOMEWORK: Reflect on IB Unit 1 - All your lines of Inquiry that you did with Mrs. Haag - apply them in drama class please!

Grades 6, 7, 8
We have handed in our take home assignment. I am marking them furiously. (it means intentsively, not necessarily being tough).
We have also worked in pairs to peer review our ways of speaking on the stage. Students read out parts from Twelfth Night to each other and tried to offer each other constructive criticism. In the meantime, I had several students read to me one-by-one and each was given techniques on speaking, pausing, reading with fluency, voice modulation and intonation.

And the AUDITION RESULTS ARE........................
Oh, I can't post them here, now can I?
Keep reading...............

HOMEWORK: Read outloud daily for 10 minutes, in the mirror, with pauses, and fluency practise (group word phrases).

Grades 1 and 2
We have practised warming up voices before we sing. We tried singing scales, and I reverted back to what I feel is the best introduction: Julie Andrews singing "Do-Re-Mi".

The children practised being respectful listeners, and then were allowed to dance away to the entire song. Dancing skills need work!
Later we assembled on the big stage to rehearse our singing, in unison - we had a tough audience - they were louder.

HOMEWORK: Memorize all 6 verses of your song!

Grades 4 and 5
YIKES! Parents - the test became a take-home assignment. Some were returned, some were not returned. These must be completed as they are Summative Assessments for your children for this term.

The children have been told that the behaviour in class reflects their ability to understand and deliver. They must meet expectations and do the assigned homework.
So far:
a) we read a Grade 2 version of Twelfth Night
b) we discussed the book, the play, the performance we saw
c) they received two sets of handouts to study
d) there are links at the bottom of this blog - BBC Shakespeare Animated Tales; Twelfth Night, and NO FEAR SHAKESPEARE
e) they were all encouraged to go to the library, to go on the Internet, to read their information in order to complete this take-home assignment.

In grades 4 and 5 you are expected to write in paragraph form with correct spelling - use dictionaries please; keep trying; point form is unacceptable, and neatness counts.

There is also an outstanding assignment on Emotions - List of 20 - a) neat b) with your name c) with a title d) with correct spelling e) properly written on neat flat lined paper - anything else must be redone!!!

You will NOT receive a role in the play (and the play is your assessment giving you a final mark for this term) until you complete and PASS (85%) the test.

My personal recommendation (though I don't know for sure that this is a problem) FEWER ELECTRONICS = BETTER CONCENTRATION AND FOCUS.  Here's an article with links to studies:

We also listened to the music for the Christmas concert - more attention needed! We discussed the Christmas concert, our role, the expecation, the general outline.

HOMEWORK: Practise reading the blog twice a week, and find out and list 1 of my favourite actors, 1 of my favourite musicians, and 1 thing I'm interested in doing. The idea is to READ THE BLOG and know where things are.

JK B (Mrs. P) AND JK A (Ms. H)
We listened to several animal songs from a CD "Animal Crackers"
We tried to identify with the music and practised singing and movement as a group and individually.
We identified animals from the songs and tried to imitate them.
We need to work on moving on the stage SUPER QUIETLY so that if we also speak, or sing, we will be heard.

SK (Ms. M.)
This group will be putting on a play. Roles are being assigned; formations made; now we're following along - sort of....

Since the Christmas play will require us to be a specific animal, this group also listened to songs from "Animal Crackers" - specifically "Donkey Donkey". We then tried to get a good rhythm going. My was this difficult. We also tried dancing. My was THIS difficult.

Parents - please have your children listen to a variety of music and get then to keep beat. It MUST be in time to the music. They may clap their hands, stamp their feet, tap their feet, sway back and forth, snap their fingers, tap their lap, etc.

JK B/SK (Ms. G.)
This group listened to their music for the concert. Then they were allowed to dance to their song and the two following songs. We have some excellent dancers in this class!!!! Great job! There is rhythm, tempo, and energy.

We then rehearsed for the concert to the music - some of us are right on cue, and others must learn to focus and pay attention, as this song is going to be quick!

I know this is NOT what you want to read, but I am training your patience, and hoping it will develop! I'm not deliberately cruel, it just seems that way!

Your audition results, will be posted TOMORROW - YUP, that's right! Friday, October 21st, 2011 on the bulletin board!
Come on! Focus, be patient! You can do it!

Best Regards,
Mrs. Deras

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