St. Jude's Academy Dramatic Achievements and Experiences

Parents, please be sure to read the side bar as it will contain important information about costumes, props, and theatre etiquiette.

There are also age appropriate poems that you could ask your child to learn to say aloud. This helps with reading fluency, memory enhancement, elocution, and comprehension.


October 6th, - Twelfth Night performance in Stratford, Ontario (long, but worth it - the entire production was musical, upbeat, brilliantly performed, and had twists from all eras and epochs)

November 10th, - Remembrance Day skit: In Flander's Fields performed and directed by the Grade 6, 7, and 8 class.


December 15th, - The Christmas Concert: Songs that moved the world

End of January, 2012 - Twelfth Night

February 2012 - SJA Gala Dinner and "show"

March/April 2012 - Speeches and Poetry Recitation

June 2012 - Arts Night

Monday, October 31, 2011

Monday and Wednesday, October 24th and 26th, 2011

Audition Announcements for Shakespeare's Twelfth Night
In order of appearance:
Feste - Kyle C.
Orsino, Duke of Illyria - Evan
Fabian - Cadance
Captain - Keianna
Viola - Arielle
Sebastian - Mark
Malvolio - Kyle T.
Olivia - Sara
Maria - Serena
Sir Toby Belch - Damien
Sir Andrew Aguecheek - Adrian
Antonio - Alberto

Ladies in Waiting - Poorvi and Charlotte

Narrators and boating crew - Ms. Chang's Grade 4's and 5's

Grade 3
We are attempting to finish choreography for our dance. Things are coming along. Picture day interrupted our schedule a little, but we are able to arrive on count and remember out steps! Good job everyone.

Grades 6,7,8
We have taken a deeper look at Feste, Shakespeare's Wise Fool on Monday. Our realization is that Feste does more than add comic relief - he is a guide of sorts, an advisor if you will, a wise fool who knows more than we think.

We began blocking of Twelfh Night, but must focus more in order to get through this sooner.

Wednesday, we have almost completed blocking for our part in the Christmas pageant.

Costume requests will be going home shortly.

Grades 1 and 2
In order to truly deliver our Christmas song, we are also trying to train our voices a little. Singing scales, while working on tone, pitch, melody, breathing, rhythm, singing in unison, and clarity of delivery are all in progress.

Children must realize that singing louder does not mean yelling. That's when we lose the melody.

We have also rehearsed our grand entrance onto stage, which is taking more time than anticipated.

Grades 4 and 5
Tests have been marked and will be returned on Monday. I am NOT pleased!

We are going over Twelfth Night for Kids AGAIN! We have gone over the answers in class. Pay attention! Read your notes! Study my links! You will ALL have a re-test on Wednesday, November 2, 2011, in class.

Your tests must be signed and returned by Wednesday!

You will not recieve a script until you receive a mark of 85% or higher.

JK B (Mrs. P)
We have added more actions to our Christmas presentation. Thank you Anastasia for your fantastic contribution! Otherwise we are getting used to our positions, our song, our bowing in unison, and following the director.

Remember that on stage we do not move from our spots for this song. Your actions are to be done in your spot. Please stay focused.

JK A (Ms. H)
On Monday we all took turns playing a game of direction. Many chidren do not know the meaning of "on", "in front", "behind", "beside", "underneath", etc. so we practised this with a chair. Everyone was able to direct and to be directed.

On Wednesday we focused again on becoming animals that are quiet. It is important to stay on stage and move where the shepherds want you to move.

Rule Review:
No running around.
Stay in character.
Be quiet.
Baa on cue.
Do not touch anyone.
Sleep on your hands when directed.

SK's (Ms. M.)
We have some roles cast and other yet to be cast based on performances I see in class.
We are rehearsing for both our grand entrance and our Christmas play.
Remember when to "Baaa". It must be on cue!

Our grand entrance must be faster, and we will continue doing this until we have mastered it.

Costume notices will be going home shortly.

JK B/SK (Ms. G)
All children have a specific role for the Christmas pageant. It is very important that we remember our formation and order. We need to act very quickly for both parts, and although this is coming along, we must continue to rehearse.

We could spend some time on other fun dramatic things, if we didn't have to wait for the same people to be quiet. Parents, please tell your children that on stage we won't have time to think, and listening now, means we will be ready to perform when performance day arrives.

Best regards,
Mrs. M. Deras

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Classes for Monday, October 17th and Wednesday, October 19th

Greetings and Salutations!
Roles for Twelfth Night have been CAST!
Audition results will be posted below!

But I begin with Grade 3's
We are rehearsing our dance for the Christmas concert..........learning positions, formations, trying to find form, energy, and function.

But we have also squeezed in some understanding about the theatre: The children were taken backstage to the large auditiorium. They then experienced an exercise about respect, reflection, understanding, communicating, for the actor(s) on stage. Everyone took turns as an audience member in a prime locations, and backstage. Hopefully they now understand why it's important to a) be silent and b) wait................A LOT................... in the theatre.

Also, formations are different on differently sized stages......everyone must a) remember where they stand, and b) remember how far apart to be, and c) that this distance changes if the size of stage changes.

HOMEWORK: Reflect on IB Unit 1 - All your lines of Inquiry that you did with Mrs. Haag - apply them in drama class please!

Grades 6, 7, 8
We have handed in our take home assignment. I am marking them furiously. (it means intentsively, not necessarily being tough).
We have also worked in pairs to peer review our ways of speaking on the stage. Students read out parts from Twelfth Night to each other and tried to offer each other constructive criticism. In the meantime, I had several students read to me one-by-one and each was given techniques on speaking, pausing, reading with fluency, voice modulation and intonation.

And the AUDITION RESULTS ARE........................
Oh, I can't post them here, now can I?
Keep reading...............

HOMEWORK: Read outloud daily for 10 minutes, in the mirror, with pauses, and fluency practise (group word phrases).

Grades 1 and 2
We have practised warming up voices before we sing. We tried singing scales, and I reverted back to what I feel is the best introduction: Julie Andrews singing "Do-Re-Mi".

The children practised being respectful listeners, and then were allowed to dance away to the entire song. Dancing skills need work!
Later we assembled on the big stage to rehearse our singing, in unison - we had a tough audience - they were louder.

HOMEWORK: Memorize all 6 verses of your song!

Grades 4 and 5
YIKES! Parents - the test became a take-home assignment. Some were returned, some were not returned. These must be completed as they are Summative Assessments for your children for this term.

The children have been told that the behaviour in class reflects their ability to understand and deliver. They must meet expectations and do the assigned homework.
So far:
a) we read a Grade 2 version of Twelfth Night
b) we discussed the book, the play, the performance we saw
c) they received two sets of handouts to study
d) there are links at the bottom of this blog - BBC Shakespeare Animated Tales; Twelfth Night, and NO FEAR SHAKESPEARE
e) they were all encouraged to go to the library, to go on the Internet, to read their information in order to complete this take-home assignment.

In grades 4 and 5 you are expected to write in paragraph form with correct spelling - use dictionaries please; keep trying; point form is unacceptable, and neatness counts.

There is also an outstanding assignment on Emotions - List of 20 - a) neat b) with your name c) with a title d) with correct spelling e) properly written on neat flat lined paper - anything else must be redone!!!

You will NOT receive a role in the play (and the play is your assessment giving you a final mark for this term) until you complete and PASS (85%) the test.

My personal recommendation (though I don't know for sure that this is a problem) FEWER ELECTRONICS = BETTER CONCENTRATION AND FOCUS.  Here's an article with links to studies:

We also listened to the music for the Christmas concert - more attention needed! We discussed the Christmas concert, our role, the expecation, the general outline.

HOMEWORK: Practise reading the blog twice a week, and find out and list 1 of my favourite actors, 1 of my favourite musicians, and 1 thing I'm interested in doing. The idea is to READ THE BLOG and know where things are.

JK B (Mrs. P) AND JK A (Ms. H)
We listened to several animal songs from a CD "Animal Crackers"
We tried to identify with the music and practised singing and movement as a group and individually.
We identified animals from the songs and tried to imitate them.
We need to work on moving on the stage SUPER QUIETLY so that if we also speak, or sing, we will be heard.

SK (Ms. M.)
This group will be putting on a play. Roles are being assigned; formations made; now we're following along - sort of....

Since the Christmas play will require us to be a specific animal, this group also listened to songs from "Animal Crackers" - specifically "Donkey Donkey". We then tried to get a good rhythm going. My was this difficult. We also tried dancing. My was THIS difficult.

Parents - please have your children listen to a variety of music and get then to keep beat. It MUST be in time to the music. They may clap their hands, stamp their feet, tap their feet, sway back and forth, snap their fingers, tap their lap, etc.

JK B/SK (Ms. G.)
This group listened to their music for the concert. Then they were allowed to dance to their song and the two following songs. We have some excellent dancers in this class!!!! Great job! There is rhythm, tempo, and energy.

We then rehearsed for the concert to the music - some of us are right on cue, and others must learn to focus and pay attention, as this song is going to be quick!

I know this is NOT what you want to read, but I am training your patience, and hoping it will develop! I'm not deliberately cruel, it just seems that way!

Your audition results, will be posted TOMORROW - YUP, that's right! Friday, October 21st, 2011 on the bulletin board!
Come on! Focus, be patient! You can do it!

Best Regards,
Mrs. Deras

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Wednesday, October 12th, 2011 All Classes

Grade 3
Today, we have incorporated stage directions, movement to music, combinations of sequential actions, mime and imagery, and the use of dance step planning into our class.

Students used all of the above in order to begin preparation for the Christmas Pageant.

Students are to listen at home to the song we will discussed in class. As it is to be a surprise, the songs will not be mentioned here.

Grades, 6,7, and 8
We discussed our experiences while watching the performance of Twelfth Night in Stratford. We discussed all aspects of the play, from like and dislikes, to clarifications of plot and character, to behaviour, to adaptation for our school stage. Movement, form, function, clarity, staying in character, and character assignments were all analyzed.

Based on all we have discussed in class, there will be a take-home assignment, that will be due this coming Monday. You may use any resources available to answer the questions.

Remember: "Be not afraid of greatness: Some men are born great; some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them." Which one are you?

Grades 1 and 2
We are also rehearsing for the Christmas concert. Not be too repetitive, we have thrown in vocal music instructions, movement to music, imagining and miming, as well as stage movement to music.

Please remember you music sheet with the lyrics to our song.

Grades 4 and 5
Oh dear! You were given a test today. It did not go well. Together with your teacher we are determining the next logical step.

As for all of you - here are your instructions (ask parents for help PLEASE)

1. READ THE BLOG at least twice a week.

2. COMPLETE HOMEWORK ASSIGNED IN CLASS example: read your handouts in the drama folder; you now have 2 (two) READ THEM!!!

3. Read or watch the links for Shakespeare's Twelfth Night at the bottom of my blog.

4. Go the library and find books about Twelfth Night. BORROW THEM!

5. Search the Internet for information about Twelfth Night, then read what you have found.

6. MOST IMPORTANTLY - Pay attention in class. We have covered ALL the information on your test in class. I even read out the answers to the first three questions during the test. If you don't understand, you should listen in class and ask questions pertinent to our subject of study.

JK B (Mrs. P's class)
Yay! Finally we went back to the drama room! We listened to a song by Sharon, Lois, and Bram, and then tried to do the actions in our attempt to coordinate movement to music.

We then practised our Christmas pageant song, and being still. We were even able to try to perform it on the small stage. Good job!

JK A (Ms. H's class)
This class also proceeded to the drama room, but based on behaviour of some, we may not be able to continue here. Boys and girls must follow instructions, and running around is unacceptable!

This group tried very hard to coordinate movement to music, with many discrepancies between students.

SK (Ms. M's class)
The boys and girls incorporated animal movement and emotional facial expressions in order to show understanding for our Christmas Pageant story.

We discussed our performance and listened to the story again. Selections for specific characters will be made shortly, but all students were told that the presence of EVERYONE is important on stage. And we will all be put into practise all that we have learned so far.

We have been listening and practising coordinating movement to music, using imagery (for now) instead of props. We need to rehearse moving faster, as our music ends before our actions.

JK B/SK (Ms. G's class)
We are deep into rehearsals for the Christmas Pageant. Although we know what to do more or less, our timing and cueing need work!

Also it is important to know our order of entrance or else this will completely throw off our song.

Again for this group, miming combined with movement to music was practised. We also need to rehearse stopping on time - and together.

Best Regards,
Mrs. Deras

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

REMINDERS: Grades 4 and 5 AND Grades 1 and 2


1.     Lists of 20 Emotions are DUE! (This is the second time around. If your paper is not submitted - neatly written, it will result in a mark of "0". Those who have already received their papers with a grade may try to receive a better grade. If your paper had the words "RE-DO" - you must redo it.)

2.     Test: tomorrow, Wednesday, October 12th, you will be tested on your knowledge and understanding surrounding Shakespeare's Twelfth Night! Make sure you know who is who, what they do, and why they do it.

Good luck!

GRADES 1 & 2

You MUST bring your words to the song that was given to you 2 weeks ago. This must come to every class.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

STRATFORD, and Classes of Sept. 26 & 28, Oct. 3 & 5

Stratford - Festival Theatre - Twelfth Night - Thursday, October 6th, 2011

Today, Ms. Chang's 4's and 5's, together with Mr. Greczi's 6's, 7's, and 8's attended a brilliant, mesmerizing, musically induced performance of William Shakespeare's Twelfth Night!

We all had a terrific time, watching fantastic performers; though unexpectedly, the performance was an hour longer than we had been told it would be. Well worth it though! Bravo and standing ovations abound!
Ms. Chang's class, together with Mr. Browning and Mr. Sawatsky ate lunch on the town and toured a little before attending the theatrical performance.

Mr. Greczi's class together with me, had a picnic lunch by the water. We fed some ducks, marvelled a the swans, and photographed the beautiful, graceful, elusive black swan. After a delightful stroll around the water's edge, we viewed the gift shop, and proceeded to the theatre.

Boys and girls - from what I experienced with you today, I must say that I am very VERY proud of you!!!! Your behaviour (with some minor shushing) was excellent. Bravo!!!

Everyone was polite, well-behaved, and appeared to really enjoy the performance. Lunch was delightful, and the fact that you "hit the books" at the gift shop, brings tears of joy to any teacher's eyes. Well done, my students, well done.

A big thank you to our parent volunteers: Barbara, Amanda, and Alfredo - your presence and assistance are greatly appreciated.

My apologies to parents for waiting for our arrival longer than expected. The performance was not expected to take 3 hours! Nor did we anticipate construction on the return trip. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

THE LAST TWO WEEKS.................

Grade 3's

We have been hard at work learning about presentations on stage: poise, elocution, diction, projection, pausing, breathing, and voice modulation while reading short selections on stage. Every student has had an opportunity to read individually on stage and be critiqued by their peers.

We have seen the stage, and understand that in drama, very often you must simply WAIT - QUIETLY.

We have received instructionS on puppeteering so that our audience will be more aware of which puppet is speaking.

Christmas productions are underway, slowly.......

Grades 6, 7, 8

Twelfh Night synopsis, characters, plot, love cycle, and theatrical presentations have taken up our last two weeks. We were well prepared for the performance in Stratford, as everyone had figured out that in the end there are three weddings, and all is well............sort of............poor Malvolio!

Auditions were mandatory for this group and with the exception of 3 students, I was surprised that after our lenghty discussions, Q&A's, and poignantly written instruction the rest was so ill prepared.

Audition results will be posted shortly - hopefully next week.

Grades 1 and 2

Stories and singing in prepartion for the Christmas concert are well underway. We have discussed many concepts to date that will assist us in our performance: miming, voice modulation, beginning and ending together, singing in unison, stage presence and bowing have all been experienced individually and as a group on our small stage. Soon we will progress to the larger stage.

We have also finished our Emotions series of books by Jane Bingham, and the children are very capable of showing emotions with their faces and body language. All very important when conveying what we feel on stage.

Grades 4 and 5

Once again, this class has been hard at work preparing for Twelfth Night. We have reviewed the plot, the characters, as well as theatre behaviour and etiquiette. We also reviewed proper behaviour in a restaurant. Hopefully, you were able to apply all we discussed at length in class.

Auditions were optional for this group, and the entire auditioning process was discussed at length. Unfortunately many opted out, and those brave sould who did audition were ill prepared. Next time I will walk you through it EVEN MORE, but the expectation remains that you: a) read the blog,  b) read the bulletin board, c) ask questions in class, d) do the required readings - if it's in your drama folder you MUST learn it! That means read it over and over many many times!


It will be in class, half an hour, writing required. Please study your handouts, and watch the links of the BBC Shakespeare Animated Tales for TWELFTH NIGHT in this blog!

You will not receive a script without passing the test!

JK B (Mrs. P)

This young group is getting better and better. After a few frustrating classes, I am discovering that you CAN sing, that you DO know your actions, and you are able to combine them. Good job boys and girls!

We are now able to introduce ourselves. Our introductions are getting stronger and louder. I hope very soon that we will be able to start practising for the Christmas concert.
The children are repeating tongue twisters; they have listened to poems about animals and their sounds; they have heard stories about animals and have acted out how they move............all in preparation for the stage. (Wouldn't it be Funny, by Anonymous)

JK A (Ms. H)

This very young group is beginning to combine their actions and their singing. While still very quiet, they are slowly coming along. The ability to move to songs strengthens understanding and also allows for inadvertent development of breathing techniques.

Our animal imitations in terms of onomatopeaic sounds and characteristic movements were very impressive. We had many ducks and kangaroos waddling and hopping very around the classroom very well, based on our poem about them and their voyage. (The Duck and the Kangaroo, by Edward Lear)

JK B and SK's

Ms. M's SK class has been incorporating knowledge of animals and their movements to the stage. This is to be in preparation for the Christmas concert. We have now heard the entire story that will be performed on stage.

Ms. G's JKB/SK class has been very hard at work with our surprise for the Christmas concert. This group catches on very quickly, and is showing tremendous promise at following directions. They are extremely eager to perform, and are becoming experts in taking their bows and curtseys.

Both groups were very capable of acting out, in groups of two, the entire poem of The Elf and the Dormouse by Oliver Herford . The poem was mimed extremely well, as children were able to follow along with appropriate actions at the appropriate times. Well done.

A very Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving long weekend to all!

Should you need to reach me with any questions, please don't hesitate to do so at

Best regards,
Mrs. Deras