St. Jude's Academy Dramatic Achievements and Experiences

Parents, please be sure to read the side bar as it will contain important information about costumes, props, and theatre etiquiette.

There are also age appropriate poems that you could ask your child to learn to say aloud. This helps with reading fluency, memory enhancement, elocution, and comprehension.


October 6th, - Twelfth Night performance in Stratford, Ontario (long, but worth it - the entire production was musical, upbeat, brilliantly performed, and had twists from all eras and epochs)

November 10th, - Remembrance Day skit: In Flander's Fields performed and directed by the Grade 6, 7, and 8 class.


December 15th, - The Christmas Concert: Songs that moved the world

End of January, 2012 - Twelfth Night

February 2012 - SJA Gala Dinner and "show"

March/April 2012 - Speeches and Poetry Recitation

June 2012 - Arts Night

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Twelfth Class - Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Grade's 1 and 2
Grade's 3 and 4
Grade's 5,6, and 7

All classed have been cancelled due to rehearsals, more rehearsals, and dress rehearsals. Parents are asked to check last week's blog for Christmas concert instructions. Thank you.

TSoRaJ Cast Members
One more sleep before curtain call! Break a leg everybody!

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