St. Jude's Academy Dramatic Achievements and Experiences

Parents, please be sure to read the side bar as it will contain important information about costumes, props, and theatre etiquiette.

There are also age appropriate poems that you could ask your child to learn to say aloud. This helps with reading fluency, memory enhancement, elocution, and comprehension.


October 6th, - Twelfth Night performance in Stratford, Ontario (long, but worth it - the entire production was musical, upbeat, brilliantly performed, and had twists from all eras and epochs)

November 10th, - Remembrance Day skit: In Flander's Fields performed and directed by the Grade 6, 7, and 8 class.


December 15th, - The Christmas Concert: Songs that moved the world

End of January, 2012 - Twelfth Night

February 2012 - SJA Gala Dinner and "show"

March/April 2012 - Speeches and Poetry Recitation

June 2012 - Arts Night

Monday, April 18, 2011

Wednesday, April 13th, 2011

This group heard the entire story of the Pied Piper. We now have and understanding of the role the children will play in this production.

We have selected our children for the circle dance.

Everyone has practised showing emotion and movement without making any noise. We are showing much improvement in this area of pantomime.

The SK class reviewed their knowledge of Stage Left and Stage Right. They are better able to follow along in a line, while in character. They are attempting to model after the rat, and this involves holding hands in the appropriate position, making a rat-like grimace, and scampering. Our experience with different types of mobility has greatly helped here. We are practising freeze poses as well, in order to prepare for the production. The children are not at any time to be on their knees or tummies while on stage. All scampering is to be done in a crouched or hunched position.

We will be going over stage behaviour, more on holding positions comfortably, and what to do on stage while in the character of the rat next time.

Grades 1 and 2
This group listened to the entire story of the Pied Piper, and we discussed some of the required blocking that will happen on stage. This production will be part recitation and part pantomime. The children are learning that even when not speaking, it is important to remain in character at ALL times. We had some excellent silent improvisation.

For the Role of the FAT RAT - auditions are still taking place between Victoria, Temi, Jessica, and Nathanael. The part must be learned for Wednesday or the role will be assigned.

Grades 3
This group listened to the rest of the story of the Pied Piper.They have had most of their questions answered.

Auditions have closed for all except the FAT RAT, and roles are now assigned. These have been posted on the bulletin board. In the running are: Victoria, Temi, Jessica, and Nathanael.

Children are supposed to study their parts and begin memorization. They will not be required to recite ANYTHING from memory yet, as we must first work on pronunciation, fluency, and attribution of breathing, pauses, etc.

SCRIPTS ARE NOT TO BE LOST!!!! Children must come prepared to class. This has also been posted on the bulletin board.

We have discussed general blocking and will begin its implementation next class.

Grades 4, 5, 6, and 7
The GRADE 4's must submit their papers on audience behaviour by next class or receive a mark of ZERO.

We discussed the meaning of the word: rhetoric.

We have gone over the roles of the narrators and the initial blocking.

Grades 5, 6, and 7: There will be a test on the Pied Piper that will count towards 10% of this terms final mark. It will involve 10 vocabulary words; 2-3 passages explained about the story/poem; an opinion about either the poem or the production, and the definition of some apprenticeship roles.

Homework: Please provide 10 points of historical significance during the time of Julius Caesar - +/-10years around his existence.

The Pied Piper Production
We have met after school and discussed what needs to be done by the AD, ASM, Costume deptarment, Choreographer, Music Selection, and PR dept.

Please make sure your ideas are in the book before the Easter Break.
I have and will supply the BOOK!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Wednesdays - March 30th and April 6th, 2011

For the last two classes we have been trying very hard to follow in a line. This is essential to the production. Please review with your children the need to stay within their line, and keeping hands to oneself. Many children are disrupting the class with a constant need to touch someone else. This is not permitted, and greatly interferes with other children's listening skills.

We have also spent the last two classes listenging to the story of the Pied Piper, as the poetic version by Robert Browning will be difficult for them to grasp without this.

The children are also practising making noise without talking (stamping feet, clapping hands, shuffling,) and they are learning to move in various ways that are going to be used within the production: slow, quick, skipping, leaping, tip-toeing, etc.

For the last two classes we have been studying the story of the Pied Piper. As the production is centred around Robert Browning's poetry, the children need to fully understand the story, so that they may then follow along in the production.

We are continuing with games based around pantomime, movement, and facial mimicking working around the type of animal the children will be imitating in the production.

There is much improvement in order and following a leader. Today we learned about stage directions: SL = stage left and SR = stage right. The boys and girls enjoyed a simple game to ingrain the concept.

Soon we will be incorporating all we have learned from September to our production.

PARENTS: costumes will require ears attached to headbands, and brown, black, or grey clothing from head to toe, as well as tails. Your assistance in this matter will be appreciated.

GRADES 1 & 2
This group has been listening to the story of the Pied Piper as read from two different story books, and we have discussed Robert Browning's version. They do seem to understand the poetic version well for their level.

We have played games to emphasize quiet and different types of movement, expression, and staying in character while one stage. All this will be incorporated in our production. They are coming along well in terms of freezing in character, demonstrating emotion through their walk, facial expressions, and hand gestures.

Last Wednesday we also had some children audition for the six speaking parts in the poem. They are very keen on receiving a part and are in direct competition with the Grade 3's.

Audtion results will be posted shortly - hopefully, by Friday.

PARENTS: Please be advised that I greatly need your support in the costume department. Children will be dressed like townspeople from the Renaissance period.

The Grade 3's now have separate drama classes, as the Grade 4's will be involved in the production of Julius Caesar.

In preparation for the production, they have been working hard on understanding the roles of the townspeople in the  poem. We have read three versions of the Pied Piper and have discussed some difficult vocabulary and concepts.

The children were to prepare for an audtion if they want a speaking role in the production. Some prepared beautifully, others need to remember that they must bring their script to every class, and that I will no longer be photocopying new scripts for those who have lost or misplaced theirs.

PARENTS: If your child needs a photocopy, I do want a written note from the parents requesting one. Or you may speak to me in person.

I will also need help in the preparation of costumes. Your children will be dressed as townspeople from the Renaissance ere, unless they receive a speaking role.

GRADE 4, 5, 6, & 7
We have been very busy discussing how to put on a production. The children were given explanations and definitions in terms of what is required to be a stage manager, director, choreographer, PR & promotions coordinator, properties master, stage hand, set designer, and costume designer.

Many have eagerly applied for the apprenticeship positions. These will be allocated only to some students, usually one per position. The decision is based on their participation in class, their behaviour, their ability in that department, and their willingness and eagerness as demonstrated in their interview.

Their assistance will be only for the production of The Pied Piper, not Julius Caesar.

Scripts for Julius Caesar will be distributed as they arrive.

PARENTS:  I will need a note from parents indicating that the full script has been read before your child will be given a role. Unfortunately, many children will only read their own role and not the entire script. Once on stage they do not understand blocking, sequencing, etc. and do not know when it is their turn to enter. It is imperative that each child read the entire script from start to finish and watch the Animated BBC version located at the bottom of this blog.
PIED PIPER PRODUCTION - Audition/Apprenticeship Results

JK's - children from the town of Hamelin (Charlotte and Klara to LEAD and play clapping game)
SK's - rats
Grade 1, 2, 3 - townspeople
Pied Piper - Sarah Silva (understudy Peyton)
Mayor - Peyton (understudy Daniel)
Lame Boy - Gabe (TBA)
Fat Rat - TBA (understudy TBA)
Townsperson 1 - TBA
Townsperson 2 - Poorvi

Narrator 1 - Adil
Narrator 2 - Adrianna
Narrator 3 - Sara
Narrator 4 - Kyle C.
Assistant Director(s) - Adrianna
Assistant Stage Manager - Josiah
Assistant Choreographer - Sara
Assistant Music Selectors - Sara & Kyle C.
Assistant Set Designer(s) - Arielle & Evan
Assistant Costume Designer(s) - Keanna & Kyle C.
Assistant Properties Master(s) - Adrian & Jude
Assistant Public Relations & Promotions Coordinator(s) - Adil & Sara

Stage hands (Sheepherders) to be in character as Townspeople - Cadance(LEAD), Adrian, Kyle T., Damian, Paul, Alberto, KingsLi, Alyssa, (I might need more.)


The script has not yet been finalized. You will not receive a script even after I have it photocopied if you do not prove to me that you have at least watch the Animated BBC verstion of Julius Caesar.

Your roles will be given to you based on your past performances and your in-class and on-stage behaviours. I did tell you that your behavious and participation will make an impact sooner or later.

Mrs. Deras