St. Jude's Academy Dramatic Achievements and Experiences

Parents, please be sure to read the side bar as it will contain important information about costumes, props, and theatre etiquiette.

There are also age appropriate poems that you could ask your child to learn to say aloud. This helps with reading fluency, memory enhancement, elocution, and comprehension.


October 6th, - Twelfth Night performance in Stratford, Ontario (long, but worth it - the entire production was musical, upbeat, brilliantly performed, and had twists from all eras and epochs)

November 10th, - Remembrance Day skit: In Flander's Fields performed and directed by the Grade 6, 7, and 8 class.


December 15th, - The Christmas Concert: Songs that moved the world

End of January, 2012 - Twelfth Night

February 2012 - SJA Gala Dinner and "show"

March/April 2012 - Speeches and Poetry Recitation

June 2012 - Arts Night

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

2 Days to Go......Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Dear Parents!

- more FLAGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Something easy to wave and visible.
- clipboards
- hardhats

We have enough:
- angel wings
- our horse on a stick
- flowers

To all those of you who have glued, shopped, attached feathers, made halos, searched your basements, and hunted down fluffly sheep - my sincerest thanks. The kids really do appreciate it as do the teachers.

Some students in Grade 3 have been selected to read. You're doing a beautiful job reading!

Some students in Ms. M's SK class have had their lines sent home to review. Parents - they have studied this for over a month and are ready. Just in case they want or need to see it, and would like to review, the page from the script pertaining to them has been sent home. You CANNOT have the entire script as we want to surprise you, and want you to relax and watch.

Those who have had their line sent home for review are:

We are ALL (JK A to Grade 8) working hard to adjust to our smaller stage, and trying to be energetic, but are getting tired and anxious.....waiting is difficult.
Your enthusiasm will keep us going though......and we can't wait to perform.
We want to dazzle, entertain, and put all of you into a warm and fuzzy good mood to help celebrate the holiday season.

Our full out DRESS REHEARSAL will be first thing on Thursday morning! All costumes and props must be at the school.

As I anticipate we will all be just a little busy over the next two days....I want to wish all students, parents, guardians, and families a very Merry Holiday Season. May you rest, and be healthy, happy, and loved.

Merry Christmas
And Many Blessings,
Mrs. Deras

Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Christmas Concert and Rehearsals

Dear Parents and Students,

The Christmas concert is ONE WEEK away. We are all becoming very excited.

TOMORROW IS OUR FIRST DRESS REHEARSAL. As the children are young, we need to have several "dress rehearsals".

Please make sure that all costume pieces arrive at the school tomorrow and are LABELLED.

Thank you so much to those who brought in FLAGS, but WE NEED MORE!!!!
Thank you to Cadance and parents for loaning us many props.
Thank you to Julian's Dad who fixed our horse on a stick.

JK A's - Pay attention to when it's time to get off the stage. When Jordan goes to the stairs, you must follow.

JK B's - You are not to fight over your spot. It doesn't matter what order you stand in, just stay put. I will be removing the stickers with your name. There will be an empty sticker. Just go to the next empty stickers and freeze.

JK B/SK - Please sing on stage!!!!! You know the words. You're doing great. SMILE and SING!!!!

SK - all those with speaking parts, your lines will be going home this weekend. Please memorize it better.

GR 1 and 2 - not bad, not bad. Practise the song because you sang the 4th verse incorrectly. Study your words.

GR 3 - not bad, not bad. Please be more energetic and SMILE.

GR 4 and 5 - it's terrible!!!! You must stay in character and NOT rush. Show your props to the innkeepers. Show them how to use it, and LET THEM USE IT. Listen to the song and for the love of Pete - pay attention.

GR 6,7,8 - stay in character!!! Don't look so sad on stage. You're innkeepers, and peacekeepers on stage. Don't force the kids to move, just guide them.

PARENTS - please read the entry below AND please read the costume and prop notes in the sidebars to the right UNDER Christopher Plummer.

Many thanks,
Mrs. Deras

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Dear Parents.................Nov - Dec. 15th


We at St. Jude's have been hard at work rehearsing during every drama class in preparation for the Christmas Concert: Songs the moved the world.

I have not been blogging as each class was a rehearsal and we have been going over the same thing.

Letters have been sent home regarding your children's required participation in the Christmas Concert. I have received almost all of them back, signed, and some of you have spoken to me in person - thank you.

Please be advised that parents are responsible for their children's costumes. A costume requirement is written about directly below the image of Christopher Plummer to the right of this entry. It is done class by class. Because some children will have different costumes, notes will be going home with specific requests.

Some of you have been wondering where one may purchase costumes. There are costume stores, but much can be done with common items found at home.

Example: lamb/sheep tails - take a small white/black sock, stuff with cotton or paper, and use a safety pin to pin this to your childs WHITE pants.

Costume Stores and other ideas:
Fee Fi Fo Fun
In Person: 1842 Lakeshore Road West, Mississauga, ON L5J 1J7
We are in Clarkson Village, South Mississauga.
Two lights East of Erin Mills / Southdown Road. Right across from HomeSense.
By Phone: 905-823-3331
By Email:

Hollywood Tickle Trunk
1590 Dundas St. E.
(East of Dixie on the Southside of Dundas, next to the Beaver & Bulldog Pub)
Mississauga, ON
Phone: 905-212-7772

Marcucci Costumes Studios
885 Main St. E. Unit 1
Milton ON L9T 5A7

568 Kerr Street, Oakville, ON L6K 3C7
at the North end of the
Shoppers Drug / JYSK Plaza
between the Laundromat
and Joe's Market Convenience Store

Let's Celebrate-More Than a Party Supertstore
1225 Dundas St. East, Mississauga, ON L4Y 2C5

You may also try -
Party Packagers
Value Village

There is no need to go to such extremes as Malabar's - but for your reference

We also need many items (properties or props) to enhance our Christmas performance. St. Jude's is providing most of them, however we do need help in locating some "hard to find things". Your cooperation is very much appreciated to help us deliver a wonderful concert.

A huge thank you to Evan and Family for providing the school with 2 large bales of straw!

Thank you,
Mrs. Deras

PS: Please read the side bar under Christopher Plummer

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Friday, NOV. 4th, Monday, NOV. 7th, and Wednesday, NOV. 9th, 2011

Parents - Please note that drama classes were cancelled on Wednesday, November 2nd, and were held instead on Friday, November 4th.


Dear Parents,
Next week a letter will be sent home regarding the Christmas Concert. Because St. Jude's Academy is a candidate school for the International Baccalaureate, and an "Arts Focused" school, the expectation is that your child will take part in our school productions.

The first school production will be the Christmas Concert on Thursday, December 15th. This is an evening performance. Your child MUST attend. This will be a Summative Assessment task for them and will directly reflect their grade.

It is unfair to practise for a role with a team, and then leave the team stranded the night of a performance.

Grade 3
We are still spending much time getting our dance together. More focus and seriousness are required, as some of you will also be asked to read (from memory) for the Christmas concert. It is important to remember you positions, and to be able to count. Those who continue to be disruptive will need to have their parents informed as you are not fair to your classmates.

Grade 6, 7, and 8
We have blocked everything for the Christmas concert - from start to finish. Some of you were in New York. Please check with your classmates regarding your roles and positions.

The boys and girls spent two classes preparing a skit for Remembrance Day. This was entirely prepared and rehearsed by them with minimal guidance. It was presented on Thursday, November 10th, at the morning assembly. This was done for 4 reasons:
- to show the younger children what a "performance" on stage looks like
- to honour Remembrance Day
- to give the 6, 7, and 8's an opportunity to put something together independently, and rehearse it, and make it "stage worthy" in little time
- to give the 6,7, and 8's an opportunity to reflect on their dramatic ablities and their performances prior to a "big prodction".

On that note: HOMEWORK - Please complete your Page of Reflection for Wednesday, November 16th, - NO EXCUSES!

Grades 1 and 2
Once again we have had an opportunity to be on stage alone and perform a solo based on a nursery rhyme. We were emphasizing clarity, intonation, elocution, performance skills, and the ability to be accurate and captivate an audience.

We have also been preparing our voices to sing melodiously, in unison, on key, on beat, in rhythm, and correctly move from verse to verse.

Children have practised their entrance and exit from stage - this area needs much work. It won't come together on performance night, and it is imperative that children realize that on the stage, we stay focused from START to FINISH.

Grades 4 and 5
ATTENTION PARENTS: Allow me to clear things up.
-Your children were given several handouts based on Twelfth Night.
-They were given links on this blog to a) NO FEAR SHAKESPEARE - TWELFTH NIGHT; and b) BBC SHAKESPEARE ANIMATED TALES.
- They listened to the story of Twelfh Night from the series Shakespeare for Kids TWICE.
- They have experienced the performance in Stratford.
- They have every opportunity to be well behaved, inquistive, caring, knowledgable, balanced, risk-takers in class and many, sadly choose not to do so.

Behaviour in class, as well as discipline and seriousness in the homework department are reflective of their mark on the FOURTH attempt to demonstrate acquired knowledge on their summative assessment.

TESTS have been sent home and MUST be signed by PARENTS before any further work is released to them.

St. Jude's Academy is an Arts Focused school in the candidacy stages of acquiring IB status. We teach via the IB method. This means there will be much cross-over in their subjects. They are expected to be literate, and therefore writing a test using clear, concise, full paragraphs in drama class is a legitimate expectation.

In order to complete their summative assessment on Unit 2, they will remain in class for 10 minutes after school, completing their work, as we cannot no longer expect them to do this during drama class. They have had their chance.

On another note - we have also finished our blocking for the Christmas Concert! Hooray! Some students choose not to pay attention and make it very difficult for the majority who does. We will be rehearsing this more. Focus on staying in character at all times.

To my singers - please practise your line of melody.

JK B (Mrs. P)
Interpretive movement games are used by this group to foster teamwork, to develop coordination, to assist in singing and moving simultaneously. The children play these movement games with songs very enthusiastically.

We have also rehearsed our part in the Christmas Concert, and almost everyone remembers what to do. Some children still are very young and do not realize that this will be before an audience. Please try to reinforce the "concert/audience" concept with your children.

JK A (Ms. H)
Our imitation of animals and making noises associated with our character is progressing. The children are beginning to understand through repetition and continuous stage exposure that they will be assuming a character - for pretend - who will have something to do. This is a big concept for little people.

We are now focusing on listening for our cues to know when to enter the stage, when to make movements and noises, and are practisig exiting the stage in character. Well done little ones!

SK (Ms. M)
This class has also finished blocking their play for the Christmas Concert. We have practised different forms of movement by various animals and people. This helped us to prepare for our roles. We have also rehearsed staying quietly behind the curtains, and waiting for our cue.

Some children will have speaking roles. They will receive their lines to memorized at home.

Costume information will be going home as well, as there will be different costumes throughout.

JK B/SK (Ms. G)
This is the only class, other than the 6, 7 and 8's which has completed blocking for the ENTIRE Christmas concert. Well done! They are familiar (I hope) with our IB entrance, their part, and our finale.

As our song is very fast, we are going to have to zoom across the stage to get to our positions. Remember to "ZOOM" only on stage and NEVER ZOOM on the stairs backstage.

We must also work on being quiet while waiting. In drama class there is much waiting as everyone needs to have their moment in the spotlight. This involves respect - for self, for others, for the director, and for the audience.  This also means no talking, giggling, dancing, conducting, twirling, pushing, pulling, stomping, hopping, wiggling, poking, etc.

We can hope, can't we?

Best Regards,
Mrs. Deras